4 Ways to Celebrate the Spring Equinox

4 Ways to Celebrate the Spring Equinox



The Spring Equinox is not only the start of the fiery, action-orientated Aries season, but it also marks the first day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. This year it takes place on Sunday 20th March. This day is all about rebirth and growth, a time to celebrate moving out of the darker more inward energies of Winter as we transition into more light and new beginnings for Spring. You may be feeling increased energy during this time and more motivation to bring your dreams to life. If there is anything from the past year that has been weighing you down then this is a great time to release it and start a fresh chapter that is more in alignment with your goals and dreams for this new cycle. If you are looking for the perfect ritual to celebrate the Spring Equinox then check out our guide below: 

Spring clean your home 

There is nothing quite like a clean slate to help you feel energised to start anew. Take some time during this powerful day to spring clean your home. Be sure you are not holding on to any material baggage that may be holding you back. Put on your favourite music, make your bed, clean your bathroom, organise your wardrobe. Anything that will help you to feel fresh and uncluttered. Once you have finished cleaning, cleanse your home to help lift any stagnant energies. You may also wish to treat your home to some new flowers or perhaps a new scent in celebration of this new season.

Get grounded 

Nature is currently springing into life. The grass is looking greener, the flowers are blossoming and the animals are slowly coming out of hibernation. It is a great time to get outside in the great outdoors and get some fresh air and fresh perspective. Pop on your favourite meditation while walking, or perhaps an inspiring podcast or uplifting music. While walking show gratitude for the beauty that surrounds you. To help ground you further, try taking your shoes off and allow your bare feet to connect with the earth. 

Create new habits for Spring 

Our habits are what shape our lives. Whether good or bad, these daily actions we take are what create our physical realities. Today is a great day to take inventory of the daily habits that currently rule your life. What is working well currently? What new habits could you adopt that would help you to get a step closer to your dreams? Spend some time journaling on these prompts and turn your findings into an action plan to help transform your life for Spring. We also have a free Habit Tracker resource you can use to get you started. 

Set your intentions 

If you feel as if your New Years' resolutions have fallen to the wayside, then this is a great time to get refocused and start redefining your goals. Take some time to meditate and ask yourself where you would like your life to be in the next 6 - 12 months. What would you like to manifest? Tap into the emotion of how this manifestation will feel once it’s come to fruition. Once you have finalised your intentions, light your favourite Crystal Intention Candle and state your goals out loud. Once you have finished blow out your candle and take aligned action to help make your goals a reality. 

What crystals should I work with for the Spring Equinox? 

Flower agate is a stone of growth and reminds you to honour and appreciate each part of the process of evolving. This gem helps you blossom into your full potential, encouraging you to see your dreams through with heart, passion, and commitment.

Carnelian is a stone of action and it wants you to know that It's time to start making moves and creating opportunities for yourself. It's time for you to stand up, believe in yourself and be noticed.

Aventurine is great for helping you to manifest opportunities and rewire your beliefs around self-worth. It's time to start believing you deserve abundance in all forms, including love. This crystal has come into your life to let you know that everything is possible, you just need to expand your belief system of what you deserve.

Pyrite is a protective stone, It's all about getting down to business. Checking the details and taking action. It's the ideal stone for manifesting your goals as It encourages you to be assertive with your intentions and take considered action.

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