In recent years words such as manifestation and the law of attraction have become so commonplace you can even find articles about them within mainstream media. Despite the rising popularity of these concepts it can still feel really confusing and overwhelming to know how to apply these principles to your life in a tangible way to alter your outer reality. Here at Two Libras we are all about empowering you to make your intentions a reality, so we have put together this simple step by step ritual guide so that you can start manifesting your dream life today!
Candle Magic Ritual
Working with candles during your manifestation ritual is a great way to connect to the energy of fire, which is all about power, action and harnessing our determination. This could be a great option for you if you have been struggling to take action to bring your intentions to fruition.
- Begin your ritual in a calm space where you won’t be disturbed.
- Set the mood by lighting your favourite incense, spritzing a space spray or playing some calming music.
- Drop into a meditative state, you can do this by closing your eyes and breathing in through your nose to a count of four, then releasing the breath through your nose to a count of four. Do this as many times as necessary until you can feel your nervous system calming.
- Once you have slipped into a relaxing meditative state, either think in your mind or ask out loud the question “What do I want to manifest at the moment?”
- Sit in stillness and allow your intuition to send you messages. These may come in the form of thoughts, mental imagery or an inner knowing. Trust the messages you receive, everyone’s intuition communicates in unique ways. If nothing comes up for you during this meditation that is totally fine too, you may receive a download in the near future, or via a sign.
- Allow yourself to come out of your meditation and using a pen and paper write down everything that came up for you during the meditation. If nothing came up then use these journaling prompts: What would I like in my life at the moment? Is there any areas of my life I would like to improve? What would bring me joy in my life?
- Once you have finished journaling highlight anything that you would like to manifest. Turn it into a positive affirmation. For example, if you wrote in your journal that you would like a new career then turn this into an affirmation for example “I am so excited to begin a new career”.
- Once you have finalised your affirmations, light a candle. To help supercharge your intentions you could work with one of our Crystal Intention Candles and choose a crystal that resonates with the energies you need to harness to bring your manifestations to life. For example, Rose Quartz would be a great option if you’re looking to manifest love.
- Once your candle is lit read your affirmations out loud and stare at the candle flame. Allow the positive feelings to wash over you as if your manifestations are already in your physical reality.
- Once you have finished reading your list and feel you have connected to the emotion of the wish fulfilled say out loud or in your head “once I blow out this candle my manifestations will begin to come into my physical reality.” Then blow your candle out, give thanks to yourself and to the universe and wait for your manifestations to bloom!
Scripting Ritual
Scripting is a really powerful law of attraction technique where you put pen to paper and write out in the present tense everything you want to attract into your life. Writing in the present tense allows you to tap into the positive emotion of the wish fulfilled and can help to supercharge your intention and manifest it quickly and effortlessly.
- Begin your ritual in a calm space where you won’t be disturbed.
- Set the mood by lighting your favourite incense, spritzing a space spray or playing some calming music.
- Drop into a meditative state, you can do this by closing your eyes and breathing in your nose to a count of four, then releasing the breath through your nose to a count of four. Do this as many times as necessary until you can feel your nervous system calming.
- Once you have slipped into a relaxing meditative state, either think in your mind or ask out loud the question “What do I want to manifest at the moment?”
- Sit in stillness and allow your intuition to send you messages. These may come in the form of thoughts, mental imagery or an inner knowing. Trust the messages you receive, everyone’s intuition communicates in unique ways. If nothing comes up for you during this meditation that is totally fine too, you may receive a download in the near future, or via a sign.
- Once you have received guidance from your inner wisdom come out of the meditative state and pick up your pen and paper.
- Write your intentions onto your paper in the present tense. For example, if you are wanting to lose 10lbs write, “I am so grateful that I have lost 10lbs”
- Connect even deeper with the intention by scripting how achieving this goal makes you feel. For example “I feel so confident and strong in my body now I have lost 10lbs”
- Once you have finished scripting all of your intentions keep your paper somewhere safe, it can be fun to reflect back on it in the future to see the journey of how your dreams came true.
Vision Boarding Ritual
Vision boarding can be a fun and magical way to bring your intentions to life. It can be particularly useful if you struggle with writing or imagining your visualisations in your mind. It can also be a great activity to do with a group of like-minded people.
- Think about the kind of vision board you would like to create. Would you like to create it using magazine cuttings, finding specific images online or using an online tool such as Pinterest? Choose a method that excites you the most as the power of the vision board lies within raising your vibration and tapping into the feeling of the wish fulfilled.
- Create a calming and inspiring atmosphere during a time you won’t be disturbed. Perhaps you could play some uplifting music or light a candle?
- Think about each area of your life, tap into the things that you would like to manifest and write them down.
- Once you have finalised your list find imagery that represents each thing. Try and find imagery that evokes positive feelings. For example, if you are trying to manifest a loving partner then find imagery of couples that are perhaps laughing together, or being affectionate. The more you can tap into these feelings the more powerful your vision boarding exercise will be.
- Once you have finished put your vision board somewhere that you can view it regularly. For example on your bedroom wall if you have created a physical board, or as your laptop screensaver if you have created a digital version. Every time you look at your vision board imagine how it feels to have all of these dreams come true.
Cleansing Ritual
As much as we all want to attract exciting new things into our life we also must take the time to clear out the old limiting beliefs and negative energy that may be blocking us from manifesting our dreams and desires. One effective way to do this is via the method of cleansing.
- Begin your ritual in a calm space where you won’t be disturbed.
- Set the mood by spritzing a space spray or playing some calming music.
- Drop into a meditative state, you can do this by closing your eyes and breathing in your nose to a count of four, then release your breath through the nose to a count of four. Do this as many times as necessary until you can feel your nervous system calming.
- Once you have slipped into a relaxing meditative state, allow your mind to envision a waterfall in a beautiful lagoon. There is no one at this waterfall and you are alone and feeling peaceful. You slowly wade into the pool of water which is warm and cleansing. As you approach the waterfall you think of all of the negative thoughts, emotions and experiences that you have been through in the past. You ask the universe “please allow me to release these negative thoughts, emotions and experiences from my present reality.” You stand under the waterfall and the water cascades down your body. It feels refreshing and cleansing and you feel the negativity wash away from your mind, body and soul.
- Once you feel as if you have experienced relief from this mediation, come out of your meditative state and light either an incense stick, sage or Palo Santo bundle. Swirl the smoke around your body and aura in circular motions. While doing this set the intention that you wish to release all negative thoughts, emotions and experiences from your present reality. Put out the smoke safely and give thanks that your energy is now clear.
Gratitude Ritual
A gratitude ritual is one of the most powerful ways to allow us to tap into the high vibration of manifestation. The more regularly we tap into this the more aligned we will become with our intentions and it will help to bring them into our reality.
- First thing in the morning can be a really powerful time to practice a gratitude ritual as it sets the vibration for your day.
- Begin your ritual in a calm space where you won’t be disturbed.
- Take out a pen and paper and write down five things in your current reality that you are grateful for. This can feel quite difficult at first, particularly if you are currently experiencing challenging times but start by keeping it simple. Perhaps you are grateful for the ability to breathe, for your morning coffee, or for your warm bed.
- While writing out your gratitude list really allow yourself to immerse in the feeling of how great these things make you feel. Try and hold this feeling for as long as you can.
- Great work! You have now tapped into the vibration of the universe and have aligned with a flow state which will help to bring your manifestations to life.
We hope you have found these rituals inspiring, let us know in the comments below which of these you have tried and your results.