9 Ways To Romanticize Your Life and Manifest Your Best Year Yet

9 Ways To Romanticize Your Life and Manifest Your Best Year Yet

If you follow any manifestation accounts on social media you may have noticed that the saying ‘romanticise your life’ is trending. In case you are new to the concept, romanticising your life is a mindfulness practice that encourages you to make your everyday life and routines as beautiful and magical as possible. Doing this allows you to be more present in your day to day life and have more gratitude for who you are and what you have. Which in turn raises your vibration and makes you more magnetic to attract more incredible things into your life. So if you are looking to manifest your best year yet in 2024 then implement any of these nine romanticising rituals into your daily routine… 

Keep Hydrated 

Did you know that staying hydrated can help to improve not only your physical health but also your mood? Take time throughout the day to mindfully drink water. Elevate the ritual by speaking words of affirmation into your water before drinking it, or by drinking out of a Crystal Water Bottle

Take a Ritual Bath 

Instead of taking a quick shower try taking a long hot soak in the tub. Bathing can help to reduce stress and improve sleep quality. You can make a ritual out of your bathing experience by lighting a candle, playing soothing music and pouring invigorating epsom bath salts into the water. 

Listen to a High Vibe Playlist 

Create a playlist with all of your favourite songs and listen to it whenever you need an emotional pick me up. Crank the tunes up as loud as they will go and allow yourself to freely dance to the music for an added boost of dopamine. 

Get Intentional 

To feel like we are moving forward in life it can be important for us to have goals to work towards. If you are someone who loves to write to do lists why not try writing them in your favourite journal using a Crystal Pen

Dress To Impress

 Whether dressing for work, the gym or errand running what you wear can seriously impact your mood. Rather than chucking on anything why not spend an extra ten minutes intentionally getting ready and adorning yourself in your favourite clothes, jewellery and accessories. 

Home Is Where The Heart Is 

You don’t have to spend a lot of money to make your home a nicer place to live. If you’re on a budget then start by making small changes such as keeping your environment clean and tidy or adding homely touches such as Crystal Fairy Lights to your room. 

Deepen Your Connections 

As human beings, we all crave connection with others. Why not deepen your connections by investing time and effort into your relationships. Do this by calling a friend or by sending a Letterbox Gift to a loved one who is going through a hard time. 

Switch Off From The World

Many of us are glued to our phones and other external stimuli which can make it difficult for our minds to relax and unwind. Intentionally take time out of your day to meditate, you may wish to relax even deeper into the experience by wearing a Self Heating Eye Mask.  

Wear Your Signature Scent 

Scent can invigorate all kinds of emotions within us. Douse yourself in your favourite signature fragrance or find a new signature scent for 2024 to help lift your mood. Our Crystal Infused Essential Oil Perfumes combine both high vibrational fragrance with crystal magic. 

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