How to manifest using affirmations

How to manifest using affirmations

How to manifest using affirmations

With only a few more months left in 2024, you may want to supercharge your manifestations to help achieve your goals before the end of the year. One way to do this is by using affirmations which are positive statements that you repeat to yourself to help rewire your mindset and align your energy with what you want to manifest. They work by helping to shift limiting beliefs, reprogramming the subconscious mind, and raising your vibration to match the frequency of your desires. When used consistently and with intention, affirmations can become a tool to attract abundance, love, or whatever you seek to bring into your life. In this post, we’ll explore how affirmations can be used as part of a manifestation practice to help you turn your dreams into reality.

How To Write Affirmations 

First things first it’s important to learn how to write a powerful affirmation statement. We recommended wording your affirmation statement in the present tense as if your desire has already come true. For example, start the affirmation with “I am” or “I have” to signal to your subconscious that this is your current reality. Make your affirmation as detailed and specific as possible and keep it positive. For example, instead of saying “I don’t want to feel stressed,” reframe it to “I am calm and at peace in every situation.” Your affirmation should stir up positive emotion to help you connect with the feeling of your wish fulfilled, amplifying its power to help you manifest your desires.

The 555 Affirmation Technique 

There are many affirmation techniques you can try, one of the most popular is the 555 method which combines repetition and focus to help you align with your desired intention. This powerful process encourages you to write out an affirmation 55 times each day for 5 consecutive days. This structured practice helps to reprogram your subconscious mind, reinforcing your intention and making it feel more real. To start, choose a specific affirmation that reflects your goal, such as “I am so grateful for my new job where I feel fulfilled and valued.” Then, for the next five days, dedicate time to writing this affirmation 55 times without distraction. The repetition helps to strengthen your belief in the affirmation, bringing your desire closer to manifestation.

Robotic Affirming 

Another technique that has been popular on social media in recent months is robotic affirming. This potent manifestation process encourages you to repeat your affirmations consistently throughout the day. The idea is to reprogram your subconscious mind through repetition, almost like a mantra, allowing the affirmations to sink in over time. To practice robotic affirming, simply choose a positive statement that aligns with your desired manifestation, and repeat it as often as possible throughout the day—whether you’re walking, working, or relaxing. While it may feel mechanical at first, the repetition helps to bypass limiting beliefs and embed new empowering ones, gradually helping you align with your goals and bring them into reality.

Using Crystals and Affirmations

Using crystals with affirmations can amplify the energy of your intentions, helping to manifest your desires more quickly. Crystals carry their own unique vibrations, and when paired with affirmations, they can speed up the manifestation process. To start, hold your chosen crystal in your hand or wear crystal jewellery when repeating your affirmations. You can also keep your chosen crystal on your desk, under your pillow, or carry it with you as a physical reminder of your affirmations throughout the day. This simple practice supercharges your words, energy, and the crystal’s natural properties to help you manifest your goals. Below we have paired some popular affirmations with crystals to help you start your journey. 

I am loved - Rose Quartz

I am confident - Black Tourmaline

I am calm - Amethyst 

I am abundant - Citrine 

I have a strong intuition - Moonstone 

I have a lot of soul aligned friends - Sunstone 

I am successful - Opalite

I am wealthy - Carnelian

I am in a healthy, loving soul mate relationship - Rhodonite 

I am lucky - Amazonite 

I am patient - Howlite

I am emotionally balanced - Malachite 

I am grounded and calm  - Ocean Jasper 

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